IW4x/IW4m: Alternative Modified Sherkan SE5 HUD v0.0.3! - alpha

Update 0.0.3 (9/29/2024)

This hud is modified to be a dark mode alternative version of the Sherkan SE5 HUD from early 2016 to late 2017! It comes with 2 versions, Green and Blue for the allies and Red for the Axis Teams! (will be updated in the upcoming days as this is in alpha)

OG HUD for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQdid8CQ3KU&t=47s

Whats new?

Nuke and Bomb Icon are now on the Scorebar!

Weapon bar:

  • The hud got a little revamp the perk icons got moved around
  • Yes the deathstreak icon still pops up, thats what the null icon is!


  • Sherkan devs, if they never had made Sherkan SE5 client this wouldnt be possible
  • maksandr for making the og sherkan se5 hud!
  • CloneCommOmar for uploading the Sherkan HUD to the alterware discord for this to edited

WHERE TO INSTALL: Drag and drop into your userraw folder or in any of your mods in your iw4x/iw4m mods folder


GitHub - nurla9000/dark-mode-sherkan-se5-hud: A alterntive version of the early 2016 late 2017 HUD of Sherkan SE5