IW4x: Map Vote by EternalHabit [Update v106 - February 15th, 2025]


[v106 - February 15th, 2025]
-Added an option to be able to restrict certain modes from being played on certain maps

[v105 - February 9th, 2025]
-Created a better implementation for the dvar “mapvote_disable_broken_modes”
-Added more custom map names
-Minor tweaks

[v104 - February 8th, 2025]
-Fixed problem with Oil Rig not showing up
-Added a dvar to remove Global Thermonuclear War from the MW3 & COD4 Map Packs and demolition from the COD4 Map Pack. (IW4x Devs need to fix these gamemodes for these maps)

[v103 - February 6th, 2025]
-Added a bunch of custom map names
-Voting timer now turns red when it gets low
-Various bug fixes

[v102 - February 5th, 2025]
-Fixed rare occurrence where the player could move around while voting

[v101 - February 4th, 2025]
-Added a dvar for the amount of options on screen
-Other minor tweaks

Key Features:

  • Supports all base maps and gamemodes
  • Supports custom maps and gamemodes
  • You can choose how many options you want on screen
  • Ability to restrict certain modes from being played on certain maps
  • MW2 Style Design with Simple UI
  • Only works for dedicated servers (private match no longer rotates maps as of [r4838])
  • Makes use of custom dvars
  • The map vote system will check and remove any duplicates
  • If the user sets up the dvars incorrectly it will revert to default settings
  • People who join late while voting is in progress, will still be able to vote
  • Supports both Mouse & Keyboard as well as Controller

Scroll Up - Shoot or Dpad Up or W
Scroll Down - Aim or Dpad Down or S
Vote - Jump button

DVARS - Copy & Paste these into your server.cfg to change defaults (optional)

set mapvote_maps "mp_afghan,mp_boneyard,mp_brecourt,mp_checkpoint,mp_derail,mp_estate,mp_favela,mp_highrise,mp_invasion,mp_nightshift,mp_quarry,mp_rundown,mp_rust,mp_subbase,mp_terminal,mp_underpass,mp_abandon,mp_compact,mp_complex,mp_estate_tropical,mp_fav_tropical,mp_fuel2,mp_rust_long,mp_storm,mp_storm_spring,mp_trailerpark,mp_alpha,mp_backlot,mp_bloc,mp_bloc_sh,mp_bog_sh,mp_bravo,mp_broadcast,mp_carentan,mp_cargoship,mp_cargoship_sh,mp_citystreets,mp_convoy,mp_countdown,mp_crash,mp_crash_snow,mp_crash_tropical,mp_cross_fire,mp_dome,mp_farm,mp_firingrange,mp_hardhat,mp_killhouse,mp_nuked,mp_overgrown,mp_paris,mp_pipeline,mp_plaza2,mp_seatown,mp_shipment,mp_shipment_long,mp_showdown,mp_strike,mp_underground,mp_vacant,mp_village"
set mapvote_modes "war,dom,conf"
set mapvote_customMaps ""
set mapvote_timer "30"
set mapvote_optionsCount "6" //Between 2 - 6
set mapvote_disable_broken_modes "0" //1 = ON, 0 = OFF || Turn on if adding "gtnw" or "dd" to mapvote_modes. This disables Global Thermonuclear War from the COD4 & MW3 Map Packs and Demolition from only the COD4 Map Pack. (IW4x Devs need to fix these gamemodes for these maps)
set mapvote_restricted_maps "" //A lot of custom maps don't work with certain modes. Put the maps you want to restrict gamemodes for here.
set mapvote_restricted_modes "" //These gamemodes must be in "mapvote_modes" as well. These gamemodes will NOT be added for voting on the restricted maps

IMPORTANT: Any maps you add, outside of the IW4x base maps, go inside the mapvote_customMaps dvar. Each map must be followed by a comma as shown above! No spaces!

Base gamemode names incase you need it

"conf"// Kill Confirmed
"ctf"// Capture The Flag
"dd"// Demolition
"dm"// Free For All
"dom"// Domination
"gun"// Gun Game
"infect"// Infected
"koth"// Headquarters Pro
"sab"// Sabotage
"sd"// Search And Destroy
"war"// Team Deathmatch
"arena"// Arena
"oneflag"// One-Flag CTF
"gtnw"// Global Thermo-Nuclear War
"vip"// VIP


IMPORTANT: The download goes inside Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2/userraw/IW4_MapVote.iwd

Birchy - I used his outdated mw3 mapvote as a base