IW5 Singleplayer/Spec Ops/MP Private Match Guide

IW5 Singleplayer/Spec Ops/MP Private Match Guide

  • Go to https://ipchicken.com and PM anyone who wants to join your IP Address.
  • Start IW5 Singleplayer or Multiplayer


  • Click ‘PRIVATE ONLINE MATCH’ and select a mission to get to the pre-match lobby.
  • Run in the external console the startPrivateListen command
  • Get your friend to enter the following command in the external console, replacing ‘HostsIPAddress’ with the IP you previously sent them: startPrivateListen; connect HostsIPAddress 27016


  • Click '‘PRIVATE MATCH’ and start a game with the settings of your choice.
  • Get your friends to enter the following command in the external console, replacing ‘HostsIPAddress’ with the IP you previously sent them: connect HostsIPAddress:27016

Common Issues

Failed to join:

  • If you followed the steps above correctly and your friends are unable to join you or you are unable to join them, the host of the private match will need to port forward.
  • Port Forward port “27016” UDP
  • You can find out how to do this by Googling ‘YourRouterName Port Forwarding’
  • The game is known to get into a glitched state. It manifests itself by showing you successfully connected to your friend’s lobby but it does not show both player names in the lobby. If that happens you will not be able to start a match correctly. Both players should restart their game when this occurs.
  • The game lags: the original developers of the game were aware of lag issues when playing Spec Ops with another player. Unfortunately, the issue was never fixed in the game version supported by us. Playing Spec Ops with two players requires a good internet connection and good PC specs. Lag spikes are common. Playing with a poor internet connection will result in both players disconnecting and going back to the main menu. We do not know of any fix for this issue as it seems to be a “game engine” problem.


  • Note for Singleplayer/Spec Ops: Make sure the person connecting ran the command after clicking on ‘PRIVATE ONLINE MATCH’ or after selecting a mission. Joining from the main menu does not seem to work.
  • Note for Singleplayer/Spec Ops: Make sure you respect the particular syntax Singleplayer/Spec Ops uses with the connect command. Using : between the IP address and the port number will not work, you need to use a space, like this: connect HostsIPAddress 27016