Loading GSC Scripts for T7x

Loading GSC scripts for T7x has made it incredibly easy. This tutorial will show you how to load compiled GSC scripts!


  • Install Call of Duty Black Ops III Mod Tools
    • Make sure you have the mod tools installed. You can get them from Steam or copy this link to your browser’s address bar steam://run/455130
  • Download Cerberus - latest release
  • Extract Cerberus somewhere familiar, I put mine in C:\Cerberus.

Compiling GSC Scripts (skip this if you already have your script compiled)

  1. Launch the Black ops 3 mod tools

  2. Press the blank paper icon top left of the screen.

  • Under name call it whatever you want, but I’d keep it organized to the respective modes. ie: zm_mod for zombies and mp_mod for mp.
  • Under template select “mod”.
  1. Hit OK to start making the mod. The mod tools will generate a mod folder with the name of your mod along with mp_mod, zm_mod, etc…under it.

  2. Under your mod name, right click on mp_mod and select “open mod folder”.

  3. Create a new folder and name it “scripts”.

  4. Inside scripts folder, put your uncompiled script there and name it mod.gsc

  5. Go back to the root of your mod folder and open zone_source folder.

  6. Open mp_mod.zone file with any text editor.

  7. At the bottom of the file, paste this onto the last line of the file scriptparsetree,scripts/mod.gsc

  8. Save it and head to the mod tools and checkbox the mp_mod under your name of the mod.

  9. On the right, check “link” and then press “Build”

  10. If done correctly, it should compile everything in mp_mod.ff in a newly created zone folder of the root of your mod folder. Leave this window open

Extracting Compiled GSC Using Cerberus

  1. Open the folder where you extracted Cerberus (C:\Cerberus).

  2. Now head back to the zone folder of your mod, should see a mp_mod.ff file in there. Drag and drop the mp_mod.ff onto cerberus.cli.exe.

  3. Cerberus will now extract your compiled scripts to “ExtractedScripts” folder.

Loading your GSC scripts

  1. Navigate through the “ExtractedScripts” folder until you find your beloved mod.gscc from the Cerberus directory.

  2. Copy mod.gscc to <path_to_bo3_game_folder>\t7x\custom_scripts.

  3. Rename the mod.gscc to mod.gsc or to whatever name you want. So long as it has a .gsc extension.

  4. Done - now start the game and enjoy scripting. :+1: NOTE: YOU CAN SEAMLESSLY LOAD GSC WITHOUT RESTARTING THE GAME